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“ Journey with us into the realms of awareness to discover your
Divine Blueprint and Activate your True Sacred Self.”

~Kerrie Dancing Butterfly & Amoraea


   NOW more than ever, it is time to listen to the insistent voice calling us to courageously awaken out of our slumber and to embrace our highest personal embodiment. By taking our place at the Round Table Council, we synergize our offerings and consecrate our commitment to planetary healing. 10 easy yoga poses to put you in a better mood

   Guided by sacred codes, ancient memory and informational blueprints, our Light Body is the multidimensional gateway for Spirit to move divinely through us. Understanding how the Light Body weaves with the physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies is essential to grounding one's fullest potential of service on this planet.


First Key: Activate the Potential of the Body Temple

Second Key: Clear the Channels of the Light Body

Third Key: Refine Spiritual Communion

Fourth Key: Crystallize Personal Vision and Purpose

Fifth Key: Anchor Divine Inspiration into Reality



This enormous force, ready to shake the biggest multinationals, is in our grasp. We, customary subjects, can impact how the world works. As of late I took an interest in a battle of PETA. Harvard MRI Study Shows That Meditation Literally Rebuilds Your Brain's Gray Matter In 8 Weeks

In all types of most profound sense of being, professionals are welcome to a reasonable utilization: an item is untrustworthy, don't purchase. A methodology - if progressive is, to execute bit by bit the world we long for.

To every now stand up to his optimal world the grocery store passageways ... what's more, to guarantee add to rule! In this manner, these issues expected to not devour savagery that

Without a doubt, and I frequently consider them, some individuals are as of now requesting that each morning how nourish and dress their family. Morals some of the time gets to be optional. In any case, I likewise saw that the poorest individuals are additionally regularly the most liberal ... The Science behind Yoga and Stress

In this way, at whatever point conceivable, not eat! The non-utilization turns into a power that likewise empower organizations to reach - now and then much against them-this subject worldwide development "to éthicisation" of the planet.

Genuine freedom prepare then permits, in our grocery store, eating sensibly and not to fill a hole.


Tips on how to make your house flow with positive energy

If you are moving into a new home or just updating your current space, consider setting up your place to attract positive energy skin care. Your choice of furnishings, accessories and their placement can have a huge impact on the energy within your home. Your home should be your sanctuary where you can feel nurtured, energized and fulfilled makeup.

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Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

Light School


3 Tips for Integrating Meditation Into Your Schedule - EntrepreneurMeditation brings clarity, enhances attention and provides proper perspective. It is an essential practice to enable you to perform at peak potential. However, the idea of incorporating a meditation practice into our regular routines may seem foreign ...
City Files Injunction to Stop Meditation Retreats - WKRGWe can call this another conflict between the City of Mobile and a Buddhist group around the use of property on Dog River. Earlier this year the Mobile City Council and Planning Commission both denied a request by the Meditation Center of Alabama to ...and more »
Can meditation and psychedelics have the same benefits for your mind? - CNNScientists are currently trialling meditation and, more controversially, psychedelic drugs as potential treatments due to their perspective-altering effect on the mind. Scientists hope that could help release people from being locked into depressive ...and more »
Could Meditation Help Reduce The Need For Opioids? - ForbesWith the opioid epidemic rising precipitously – Prince's death has now officially been declared a result of Fentanyl overdose – various agencies and experts are calling for a vast rethinking of how pain is controlled in this country. Chronic pain is a ...
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The Light School
Sring Intensive

April 8th~12th, 2009
Sedona, Arizona